Thursday, January 18, 2007

soul set free.

ohmygod. hello! (:
hah. i mia for one day. so decided to blog since i'm home early today. yst meet cat to clean the gg room after school,ended up chatting away. & GREAT WE DID NOTHING. hehehehehehe. so bus home & did some of my coursework that must be handed up on monday then meet qf five at clementi for cell. had supper with them after cell. then bus home after that.

as for today is another thurs. had pe,ht & wt. i was only (15*) the last digit was meant to be a secret :D AIYA i'm short luh. & i keep on insisting that machine got problem,i'm re-taking next pe lesson! :/ ya luh i cant believe i'm so shortXz! oh well forget about it. anyway is FIVEEEEEEEE now,imma off to eat dinner,i'm so hungry can. alrighty,gdbye to SHORT people (:

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